
Professional piccoline service for businesses

Our services not only offer flexibility in scheduling and duration but also provide a comprehensive range of support tasks tailored to fill the resource gaps in SMEs.

A piccoline or piccolo from Duuo can, for example, help you with serving lunch, preparing for meetings, cleaning, refilling, small purchases and watering office plants. All in a flexible and reliable solution that does not drain internal resources.

A flexible and frictionless everyday life in the office

Does your company need a flexible and reliable piccoline or piccolo that ensures that everyday life runs smoothly? At Duuo, we offer a professional piccoline service and piccolo service in Copenhagen, where we handle the small but important tasks that create an efficient and well-functioning working environment. We also call our piccolines and piccolos Office Heros. Our piccolines and piccolos can either be with you for a fixed number of hours each day or each week, or cover for illness or in connection with particularly busy periods. With Duuo's piccoline service, you are always guaranteed a welcoming, friendly and professional piccoline or piccolo, without having to hire or use up existing resources.

Piccoline service

Our piccoline service and piccolo service are designed to support businesses in all industries, from shared offices to larger organizations, where the daily, small operational tasks require professional handling. A dedicated piccoline or piccolo can improve the working environment, increase employee satisfaction and create a more productive workday.

What can our piccolineservice help you with?

Lunch layout
We prepare the lunch area, prepare the lunch buffet, clean up and wash up after lunch.

Tidy-up and lighter cleaning
We ensure that common areas, reception, meeting rooms and kitchen are cleaned up and appear clean and inviting.

Meeting rooms
We prepare meeting rooms, arrange catering for meetings and clean up after meetings.

Purchasing and office supplies
We handle grocery shopping, snack restocking, and office supplies purchasing

Watering of Office plants
We care for and water office plants to ensure a green, healthy and pleasant working environment.

Daily office assistance
We handle and sort mail and packages, restock coffee/tissues/stock and help with lighter administrative tasks.

A flexible and frictionless everyday life in the office

Does your company need a flexible and reliable piccoline or piccolo that ensures that everyday life runs smoothly? At Duuo, we offer a professional piccoline service and piccolo service in Copenhagen, where we handle the small but important tasks that create an efficient and well-functioning working environment. We also call our piccolines and piccolos Office Heros. Our piccolines and piccolos can either be with you for a fixed number of hours each day or each week, or cover for illness or in connection with particularly busy periods. With Duuo's piccoline service, you are always guaranteed a welcoming, friendly and professional piccoline or piccolo, without having to hire or use up existing resources.

Piccoline service

Vores piccoline service og piccolo service er skabt til at understøtte virksomheder i alle brancher, fra kontorfællesskaber til større organisationer, hvor de daglige, små driftsopgaver kræver en professionel håndtering. En dedikeret piccoline eller piccolo kan forbedre arbejdsmiljøet, øge medarbejdertilfredsheden og skabe en mere produktiv arbejdsdag.

What can our piccolineservice help you with?

Meeting rooms
We prepare meeting rooms, arrange catering for meetings and clean up after meetings.

Purchasing and office supplies
We handle grocery shopping, snack restocking, and office supplies purchasing

Watering of Office plants
We care for and water office plants to ensure a green, healthy and pleasant working environment.

Daily office assistance
We handle and sort mail and packages, restock coffee/tissues/stock and help with lighter administrative tasks.

Event Hero

Duuo's piccoline service can also help with events such as Christmas lunches, board seminars, summer parties, etc. From shopping and decoration to organizing food and drink. Do you need to rearrange the office in connection with a party? We can handle that. Do you need help during the event itself? We can handle that too. And when the event is over, we take care of the cleanup.

The price for our event service is 350 DKK/hour.

Worth knowing

What is a piccoline or a piccolo?

A piccoline or picolo is an employee who assists companies with practical tasks such as serving lunch, preparing for meetings, cleaning up, and making small purchases to ensure a well-functioning office environment.

What is an Office Hero?

An Office Hero is our term for a piccoline or bellhop who takes care of a wide range of tasks so your employees can focus on their core tasks.

What types of tasks can your piccoline and picolo solve?

Our piccoline and picolo can, for example, handle lunch preparation, meeting preparation, clean-up, light cleaning, small purchases, mail handling and office assistance.

How much does a Piccoline service cost?

The price for a fixed piccoline service varies from DKK 250/hour to DKK 299/hour depending on the size of the arrangement. An ad hoc solution without a commitment costs from DKK 299/hour to DKK 349/hour.

How quickly can we get a piccoline or piccolo from Duuo?

We can often deliver a piccoline within a few days, depending on your specific needs and requirements.  We can try to accommodate last minute requests (on the same day) which comes at a additional fee (depending on the scale of the request).

Do you offer both fixed and ad hoc solutions?

Yes! A fixed piccoline service ensures that you are visited daily by the same person who knows your office and your staff. We naturally provide coverage during illness and vacation with minimal effort on your part. An ad hoc piccoline service provides flexibility to cover your internal staff during illness or vacation.

What is the difference between a piccoline and an office assistant?

A piccoline or picolo focuses primarily on practical tasks such as meeting preparation and lunch preparation, while an office assistant often has administrative responsibilities.

Where in Denmark does Duuo offer piccoline service?

We offer our piccoline service throughout Copenhagen.

Let's talk.

We'd love to hear more about your business and how we can help you fight the dirt.

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